
Why Are The Vertical Blinds So Much Preferable?

Vertical blinds have emerged as the classic window treatment for large windows and large sliding glass doors. Vertical blinds are even the coolest choice for patio doors and sliding glass of any height. As its name suggests, “vertical blinds” hint at the vertical hanging slats. Normally, these slats are suspended from a single tip. These… Continue reading Why Are The Vertical Blinds So Much Preferable?

How to Tell When Your Indoor Blinds Need Replacing

If you’re looking for a quick and affordable home refresh, the right window furnishings can make a massive impact to your home’s look and feel.

Cover Glass Panels and Save on Winter Heating

When we think about saving money on the winter heating bills, we initially think about using the heater less or putting on an extra

Advantages of Using Roller Blinds for Your Living Room

Windows are huge features that give distinguished appeal and feel to any room in your home. Adding window treatments, like

What Blinds Should You Install

You are in the process of redecorating and have made the decision to replace your old blinds. Replacing them with the same type

Why Use Roller Blinds?

If you are a new but busy homeowner looking for a new set of window treatments, choose roller blinds. This style of window blind

What You Need to Know About Roller Blinds

Many residential homeowners and commercial buildings owner now often use roller blinds. This style of window blinds is a practical

How To Clean Roller Blinds

Roller blinds are simple yet elegant window treatments which can fit in almost every décor. If you’re blinds are looking old and tired

Why You Should Install Outdoor Roller Shutters In Perth

Roller shutters in Perth have come a long way from the bulky units you might remember on homes in the 80s and 90s. Today’s

How Beneficial Are The Blockout Blinds During Cooler Weather?

Blockout blinds effectively block out light from entering a room by serving as a visual barrier. Blockout blinds are a fantastic option not only for spaces where solitude is required but also for usage in beds to avoid early morning awakenings when the sun rises earlier than you do. Blockout blinds are essential for more… Continue reading How Beneficial Are The Blockout Blinds During Cooler Weather?